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Open today: 9:00am - 6:00pm
by Matthew Powell
A Body Aware Specialist
Yeaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh spring is here and we’ve had our first taste of being outside, feeling the sun on our face, wearing our summer clothes and maybe even snuck a barbeque in. The hibernation is coming to an end ladies and gents, and Aslan is on his way; I think it’s all going to be alright y’know… good times.
So what’s on the agenda? Well first is that summer wardrobe I spoke of. It seems, well, snugger than I remember. After 4 months of dragging my derriere to the gym on cold, rainy and windy mornings / evenings, there is a new gym in town. Somewhere different to inspire us, new members to spur us on for want of looking lame or lazy, new equipment to benefit from, and that big yellow thing in the sky that strangely makes us feel and look better. I am, of course, talking about the great outdoors.
If you’re a gym goer there are few things better than a new gym layout, new equipment or frankly just a new facility to work out in. It mentally freshens us and quickens the senses. Our parks, countryside, pavements and beaches are all there for the taking, they’re free of charge which is awesome, and they can reinvigorate your sessions, changing the now stale habits of the winter, and kicking the body out of its plateau.
If you’re a dog walker become a dog jogger. Start with some short jogs, maybe for the length of 2 lamp posts before recovering with a walk for 2 or 3 lamp posts. Every park bench is a press up opportunity, somewhere to get your step ups in or a platform to do tricep dips (shapely arms). Any place that’s not in full view of the world is a corner to throw in a few squats (firm and tone the legs & bum). Every hill is a challenge that’s waiting to be achieved.
Personally I love the mountain bike. I can see 4-5 times more of the county I live in, get lost in the knowledge it won’t take long to find my way back to somewhere I know (or to a train station if I don’t…), I can use both the roads or the country tracks, and, like any idiotic man, risk my life on downhill’s whilst thinking, “Am glad my mother can’t see me now”.
Whatever your mode of transport, your choice of exercise, your reason for leaving the house, know that the summer is coming, late spring is traditionally a good time for weather in the UK so get ahead of the curve. Take in the fresh air (apologies if you live in London), burn calories, listen to music, get a tan, see some of your locality, get fit, look better, feel happier, be better and GET OUTSIDE.
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